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Wisdom, Stature, Favour
Monday, September 14, 2009
1 Chronicles 14:13-17

Once more the Philistines raided the valley; so David inquired of God again, and God answered him," Do not go straight up, but circle around them and attack them in front of the balsam trees. As soon as you hear the sound of marching in the tops of the balsam trees. As soon as you hear the sound of marching in the tops of the balsams trees, move out to battle, because that will mean God has gone out in front of you to strike the Philistine army." So David did as God commanded him, and they struck down the Philistine army, all the way from Gibeon and Gezer. So David's fame spread throughout every land, and the Lord made all the nations fear him.

In this verse, the enemy came but David conquered the enemy because God fought for him in the spirit first, before David won in the flesh. From this, we can learn 3 things.

1. Favour
David had favour with God. God was on his side and with God, he conquered the enemy. This shows we need to have favour with God because if God is on our side, who can stand against us.

2. Wisdom
David had wisdom. He was not foolhardy and went to attack the enemy before God moved in the spirit. David obeyed God as he was commanded and he didn't question God. This shows we need to be wise and follow God's instruction because everything is engineered through him and he knows everything and naturally as humans, we want to follow someone who is greater than us, yes?

3. Stature
When David conquered the enemy, God made him known through all the nations and they all feared him. God gave him stature and influence because David had found favour with God and David had the wisdom to follow God. This shows that if we want to have stature and great influence in our schools, we need to think and say everything that pleases our God and have the wisdom to wait for God to move before we move.

When we conquer the enemy, when we conquer the devil, we will naturally have found favour with God, have wisdom to follow God and gained stature from God and that is the beginning of leadership.

Just a little revelation before midnight. (:

10:58 PM

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what is Big!
Tuesday, September 8, 2009
what is big?
every big things starts from small e.g mustard seed. why a mustard seed ?
because it is one of the smallest seed in the world but as it grows it will become a huge tree. talking about seeds look at the durian the seed is quite big right but its still grows into a huge tree nothing will grow from big too small but it will keep growing. there is no meaning "growing shorter' human beings, plants ,fruit or seeds will not shrink but it will keep growing the only time where it shrinks is when the plant withers away . God has engineered growth these way its the same with our faith.

when we first accept Christ our faith is still small but when we grow in God it will be bigger. God always uses small things to do important roles such as your eye browns. your eye brown make a big difference, why? when you sweat, your sweat will role down from your fore head it prevents sweat going into your eyes.wow i did not know until wei jie told me i thought it was just for show so many people cut their eye brown untill there is no more haha .

As i were saying small things makes a difference Amen see you guys at zone f prayer meeting ! bye

1:29 AM

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Saturday, September 5, 2009
Just had a sudden thought.
addicts of this world are mostly addicts for the wrong thing, drug addict, alcoholics, money...
but what addicts are we?
Addiction to these people of the world, they want to satisfy it, or else they will really be desperate and do whatever it takes, yeah, whatever it takes to get what they want.
are we going to be like them?
not in a way we become addicts for drugs and everything! haha.
how about, God-addict.
Lets have this hunger like them, a sense of desperateness when we are without God, its a addiction, a hunger that we have to, and want to satisfy.
When we are stopped from meeting with God, are we going to do whatever it takes to get back to Him?
thats something i have learnt today. :)

9:48 AM

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what do you mean about this ??
Monday, August 31, 2009
do you know the movie red cliff where kingdoms fight each other. i watched that movie to day something just inspired me during the movie. is like soliders preparing for war then they took out a note saying that they are willing to die in the battle. it takes so much courage to die for the kingdom. when God sees your note that you are willing to trust him and follow him He will lead you to victory . when the battle starts they said" as swift as the wind, as gentle as forest, as fierce as fire, as firm as the mountains" all these terms can apply in us.

As swift as the wind: it means the fast, mobilized

As fierce as fire:it means just attack with full force. EVing and prayer

As gentle like the forest: being relax during stress Trust God!

As firm as a mountain: Convictions that make you firm and strong as you
seek God

all these terms means something...
Our commander and General always planed for us something big to fight or to Conquer in our life but its our choice weather you want to decide , to Choose God's command or your own. And He has made stretergy of ways to win the devil or problems.
so thats all guys !! see you

10:56 PM

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Your Crown in Your Life
Saturday, August 29, 2009
The hair on your head is widely regarded as the crown on your head all around the world. It beautifies a person and makes a person look good. However, sometimes, we bald and one of these reasons we bald because we get worried and when we start to lose hair, we don't look as good as before. This is true with the way we have to lead our lives. If we start to worry, we start to slowly lose a bit of it until our lives starts to turn miserable and we start to lose the crown that shows the world we are sons and daughters of our God, our king. And as we worry, we start to lose faith and without faith, it's impossible to please God.

So let's stop worrying and let faith amount in our hearts.

12:38 AM

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Wednesday, August 26, 2009
i just felt the urge to share with you guys about the encounter i had with God yesterday :)
this few days, i had been feeling really tight and pushed, but God was really awesome. i was randomly flipping through the bieble, wanting to look if God wants to show me any verses, and that time i was really desperate for His word.
i flipped through the bible, and i saw this.
Psalm 31:24
Be of good courage, and He shall strengthen you heart, all you who hope in the Lord.
Psalm 27:14
Wait on the Lord; be of good courage, and He shall strengthen your heart, Wait I say, on the Lord!

sometimes, it just takes and extra effort, to wait, to keep looking for God, even if things are bad.
we just have to be courageous, just be brave and face these things. Be courageous, wait on Him, and He will strengthen you heart.
when i was worshipping Him, i felt really terrified, afraid, but God's presence just came. He told me "be of good courage, be brave"
from that moment, i started crying. God's presence just acme in so thick.
God's presence is just so amazing.
love you guys :)

3:34 PM

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Spiritual Food For Thought
Sunday, August 23, 2009
I was in the toilet shitting when this little cool idea popped up in my head.

The church is the body of Christ and the body of Christ needs to eat which we have spiritual food. Now, there is power in agreement and weakness in disagreement. So imagine with me when the body of Christ eats spiritual food but if the stomach is in disagreement, what would happen to the spiritual food? It will become shit. Literally. The spiritual food will be undigested and you just shit it out. But when the stomach is in agreement, the spiritual food will be digested and when we eat, we get strength. So the same way the body of Christ works. When the body of Christ eats good spiritual food, the body of Christ grows stronger because the spiritual food provides energy. So that's why we need to be strong in prayer. We need to be strong in the word of God. We need to have good spiritual food because we make up the body of Christ and the body of Christ needs all these spiritual food so that it will be able to grow stronger and reach greater heights(imagine the body of Christ has puberty).

So that's just my spiritual food for thought in the toilet.

9:28 AM

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Faith for 80!

Just Say It!
Speak out of the abundance of your heart

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people of God

Our Christian Journey!
don't look back

Don't know who they are!
giving credits anyway
wan ting
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